5090 N. 40th St.

Phoenix, AZ

Host: Qwest

Tuesday December 12, 1:00 – 5:00pm


Name Company Name Company
H.L. Gowda AT&T Anne Mardick Sprint PCS
Beth Watkins AT&T Mary Briend Sprint PCS
Anne Cummins AT&T Wireless Patrick Lockett Sprint PCS
Dominic Choi AT&T Wireless Scott Zalazwik Sprint PCS
Ron Steen BellSouth John Hogue Sprint PCS
Anna Miller Cingular John P. Malyar Telcordia Technologies
Richard Bartel Comm Venture Srvcs Jean Anthony Telecom Software Ent
Mike Panis ESI Sharon Bridges Verizon
Jim Rooks ESI Linda Godfrey Verizon Wireless
Ron Stutheit ESI Pascale Lacroix Videotron Telecom
Maggie Lee Illuminet Steve Addicks WorldCom
Marcel Champagne Neustar Jason Lee WorldCom
Gustavo Hannecke Neustar Marian Hearn (phone) Canadian LNP Consortium
Dave Garner Qwest Colleen Collard (phone) Tekelec
Charles Ryburn SBC Sherrian Lively (phone) TriVergent
Jim Alton SBC Richard Bell (phone) Verizon
Stephanie Swanson Sprint Jamie Sharpe (phone) XO
Brian Egbert Sprint PCS

Review of November Minutes:

No corrections were requested to the November Slow Horse minutes.

In the November LNPA minutes, the revised date for Region 7 was corrected to 3/5 rather than 3/2.

Wireless Number Portability Subcommittee Readout:

The WNPSC’s minutes are distributed separately. NENA is working on PSAP display requirements for periods of mixed service. NENA has requested that it be made more clear in the Wireless / Wireline Test Plan that testing will include ports from wireless to wireline.

Slow Horse Subcommittee:

The Slow Horse subcommittee did not meet in December. Because the LSMS availability monitoring capability will not be implemented until release 4.0 and the NPAC traffic data report will not be available until June of 2000, the LNPA decided to not hold separate Slow Horse meetings from January through May. We will maintain an agenda item to discuss slow horse issues during the LNPA-WG meetings.

Wireless/Wireline Integration 3rd Report:

The third report was accepted by NANC last week, and will be sent on to the FCC. NARUC and NASUCA are writing a minority opinion, but they have not released it yet. CTIA has already provided a separate minority opinion that was previously distributed to the LNPA-WG.

Problem / Issues Management (PIMs):

PIM-5: The working group reviewed Steve Addick’s contribution, which was previously distributed. It was made clear that the Old SP would be given the option of, but not be required to take action to restore the customer who’s service was physically moved without porting the number.

Several SPs expressed concern that it is inappropriate to allow unilateral porting for the scenario where the customer is moved to a different network, but not ported. The group felt that this scenario is very unlikely to occur in practice. General concern was expressed that both the "port in error", and "failure to port" scenarios could be misused and should not be accepted.

One SP re-iterated that the best way to address these situations is for all service providers to provide a 24x7 repair contacts.

After discussion, the LNPA decided to go forward with the PIM and request the LLC to forward a revision adding the new failure to port scenario to Neustar.

NOTE: On Thursday 12/14, Neustar expressed renewed concerns over the legal and neutrality implications of the processes proposed in this PIM, and asked the PIM’s sponsor to consider dropping the request. (SEE THURSDAY NOTES.)

Retry Timer Discussion:

A potential problem could occur if the NPAC attempts to send a message to an SP’s SOA or LSMS, and that SP’s system is in congestion, even just for a brief period. When the providers system is out of congestion the NPAC attempts to re-send the message a second time, there are no retries left and the association is aborted. This was not an issue with the 3x5 timer, but it has arisen as a result of the industry request to change to the 1x15 timer. The current architecture will abort the association 15 minutes after attempting to send the message that encounters congestion. Service providers may be exacerbating the problems caused by these aborts if they recover less than 15 minutes of data prior to their abort. They will miss the message that encountered congestion because it’s timestamp is over 15 minutes old. (Many providers only recover ~ 5 minutes prior to the abort.) (Note: Attempting to recover 15+ minutes of data may aggravate the SP’s congestion problem.)

(A congestion message to the application is generated when the NPAC stack exceeds a tunable threshold of messages (100) that have not been acknowledged by the SP’s SOA or LSMS. Each message sent by the NPAC is assigned an invoke ID. There is a tunable number of outstanding invoke IDs allowed. No more messages are sent until an SP comes out of congestion by responding to a certain percentage of the outstanding messages. (It is currently set at 25% of the threshold.))

Neustar will change the congestion handling to no longer decrement the retry counter, so that when an SP comes out of congestion, the NPAC will rebroadcast the missed message. The NPAC will also add a new mechanism to determine how long an SP has been in congestion and wait "retry interval" * "retry count" seconds for a provider to come out of congestion before aborting them. This "no-charge enhancement" has been implemented with NPAC release, and will be put in production when 3.0 goes to production.

This enhancement will also be discussed on the next cross regional call.

Wednesday December 13, 8:30 – 5:00pm

Name Company Name Company
H.L. Gowda AT&T Brian Egbert Sprint PCS
Beth Watkins AT&T John P. Malyar Telcordia Technologies
Ron Steen BellSouth Jean Anthony Telecom Software Enterprises
Richard Bartel Comm Venture Srvcs Sharon Bridges Verizon
Mike Panis ESI Linda Godfrey Verizon Wireless
Jim Rooks ESI Pascale Lacroix Videotron Telecom
Ron Stutheit ESI Steve Addicks WorldCom
Marcel Champagne Neustar Jason Lee WorldCom
Gustavo Hannecke Neustar Marian Hearn (phone) Canadian LNP Consortium
Dave Garner Qwest Colleen Collard (phone) Tekelec
Charles Ryburn SBC Richard Bell (phone) Verizon
Jim Alton SBC Jamie Sharpe (phone) XO
Stephanie Swanson Sprint

Change Orders:

NANC 319, NPAC Edit to Ensure NPA-NXX of LRN is in Same LATA as NPA-NXX of Ported TN, will be moved to the accepted list.

NANC 320, the change order proposed to address the NPAC retries when a local system is in congestion will be dropped because Neustar has implemented a fix.

NANC 217: Mass Update of SPID

The working group agreed to add a scenario to the business need that this function could be used to split an existing SPID into multiple SPIDs. One possible need for this would be a case where an SP wishes to create a separate SPID for a specific state.

We reviewed the proposed change. Because of the magnitude of the changes required to accomplish a SPID change, this function will require all affected SPs to receive a mass update file from NPAC.

We also discussed the impact of a SPID change on pending and failed SVs. The requirements will be updated to be clear that the NPAC needs to change the SPID on pending SVs. The mass update files (smurf files) were only planned for updating LSMSs & NPAC. However we also need to update the SOAs in a similar fashion. (The change files contain a list of rules for changing SPIDs, not a list of SVs to be changed.)

Sprint will write up the business need changes we agreed to and send it to the CMA. The CMA will bring the revised requirements to the next LNPA for approval and forwarding to the LLC.

NANC 219: NPAC Monitoring of SOA/LSMS Associations

Neustar reviewed the change order to propose a reduced cost version that provides similar, if not the full functionality required. The functionality that Neustar proposed eliminating is:

The LNPA WG discussed alternatives such as having some other entity (perhaps the LLC) track the historical and appeal data from the monthly report. This historical tracking could be as simple an Excel spreadsheet or a manila folder. It was pointed out that if this data is to be used to penalize SPs for poor performance in the future, there is an advantage to having a neutral third party, like Neustar, be the keeper of the data.

The group discussed the maintenance window calculation requirements at length. The proposal by Neustar would only allow a fixed length window each week of the month. We determined that there is no requirement to adjust the maintenance window by SP, but we will need to be able to accommodate different maintenance windows on different weeks of the month. (Currently the Canadian region only has maintenance windows twice a month.)

Many SPs questioned the rationale for the proposal to remove functionality. Neustar responded that these are just cost savings proposals, and the SPs are free to retain any or all functionality if they wish. The group agreed to consult with their companies and vote on the proposed cost reduction measures on Thursday. (All four proposals were overwhelmingly rejected. See Thursday notes.)

ILL 23: Detailed Integrity Sample Results Report

Last month, SPs were asked to review the implementation of ILL 23 and determine if the frequency, size, and sampling technique used for the data integrity report are adequate.

The SPs determined that the sample size and sampling technique are inadequate, but they do not desire to develop additional capability to enhance the data integrity report requirements.

The LNPA unanimously voted to cancel ILL 23.

NANC 193: TN processing during NPAC SMS NPA Split Processing

Discussion was deferred until January.

We discussed the alternative of establishing an industry quiet period while systems are updated.

ILL 5: Round Robin Broadcast for Multiple Associations

We discussed how this will affect congestion and the recovery processes. We also discussed the potential for multiple associations per SP, where the association function of the associations is different. The following clarifications were made:

The working group agree to leave NANC 219 as is, and to either change ILL 5 as required or to propose further changes as required.

NANC 307: Change the bulk data download format to allow files either with or without "-" dashes.

This change request was cancelled.

NANC 312: Change LTI to allow multiple classes of user access

It was pointed out that we have not identified how many user levels are required, and what functions should be assigned to each level.

It was asked whether adding this functionality is outside the scope of what LTI was created for. LTI is intended as a minimum functionality system; how much should it be enhanced? Does this set a precedent? Can this business need be addressed with user education rather than enhanced functionality? Or can it be addressed with a warning that by generating a report the user will incur additional charges.

None of the representatives at this December discussion use LTI as their primary SOA system. The group believes that the LTI users need to define these requirements. Jean Anthony will compose an e-mail requesting input from LTI users and forward it to Neustar. Neustar will forward the message to their LTI users distribution list.

NANC 169: Delta Download File Creation by Time Range for SVs

After much discussion we decided three change orders are needed:

NANC 300: Re-send Exclusion for Number Pooling

No updates or action items.

NANC 311: Query Message of SP Association Status

We discussed the business need for this CR. The working group agrees that the root problem is inadequate availability of some LSMSs, and that this CR does not improve that problem. Additionally, the associations monitoring in release 4.0 should give us the information needed to improve local systems availability. Therefore we agreed to defer 311discussion until after 4.0 implementation.

Proponents of the CR believe an SP may delay the cut of a customer if the incumbent SV’s association is down. Opponents of the CR suggest that for large cut overs, the NSP can call the incumbent to determine their status, and for small cut overs, it is not reasonable to hold a cutover based on one SPs association’s status. It was also suggested that from a global perspective, it would be better to just address the problem of poor local systems reliability than to load the NPAC with more functionality.

The proposal to create a web page showing the status of all associations that is periodically updated (a period of updating once every 5 minutes) was suggested. The merit of adding a process which requires the NPAC to monitor and status this regardless of whether any users require the data was questioned. The proponents of the web site approach expect a high volume of associations status queries, the opponents expect a much lower query frequency and are more concerned with the ongoing load on the NPAC to maintain the website.

NANC 151: TN and Number Pool Block addition to notifications

We need to determine whether existing LSMSs implementations can accept a notification that includes TN or block information. If some LSMS vendors cannot accept notifications with this additional information, we need to consider adding a flag to the SP profile, and having NPAC send those providers notifications in the old format.

AI – Action Item: SPs / LSMS-SOA vendors need to determine whether their LSMS & SOA can accommodate notifications containing TN and block information.

Proposed New Change Order:

It was suggested that NPAC edits need to be added to enforce the following required behavior:

    1. A code (NPA-NXX) can only be opened in the proper NPAC region.
    2. Service Providers should only enter data for NPA-NXXs for which they are the LERG assignee.

Proposed Edit 1: An NPA can only exist in one state, therefore it should only be entered in one NPAC region. (with the exception of the Cincinnati Bell special exemption) In production, some SPs have entered codes in multiple regions and incorrect regions. The main concern with entering data in the incorrect region, is that the data is not entered in the correct region. This causes problems when SPs attempt to port numbers from those codes.

SPs agreed that the data identifying what region a code belongs in is readily available from the LERG, and there were no technical objections to this edit.

Proposed Edit 2: When an SP enters code data in the NPAC for a code for which they are not the LERG assignee, other companies will encounter problems trying to port numbers from that code.

Several carriers expressed concern about the difficulty in obtaining the data for this edit. The LERG identifies code owners by OCN. NPAC identifies code owners by SPID. There is no easy reliable method for correlating these company identifications.

It was pointed out that if the LERG assignees are entering data for the codes they own in NPAC, and another SP has already entered data for that code, or attempts to enter data for that code, error messages will be generated, warning the carriers to resolve the situation. This should provide carriers plenty of notification to resolve this issue before porting is attempted.

A problem occurred in the production case where an incorrect SP entered data for codes, and porting was impacted because the LERG assignee had entered the data for the codes in the incorrect region. It was noted that the first edit, which is much easier to implement, would have prevented that occurrence.

Comments on Both Edits: Some SPs were not convinced that these problems were significant enough to address with NPAC development. It was pointed out that the conversion of existing codes to portable is nearly complete (for wireline codes), and that when new codes are opened we can expect a significant delay between the opening of the code and porting of numbers during which NPAC data conflicts can be resolved. The wireless representative pointed out that the wireless industry has a major code conversion effort approaching which might justify these edits.

DISCUSSION RESULTS: WorldCom will submit a change order request for edit #1, but edit #2 is considered not practical.

Thursday November 9, 8:30 am – Noon

Name Company Name Company
H.L. Gowda AT&T Brian Egbert Sprint PCS
Beth Watkins AT&T John P. Malyar Telcordia Technologies
Ron Steen BellSouth Jean Anthony Telecom Software Enterprises
Mike Panis ESI Sharon Bridges Verizon
Jim Rooks ESI Steve Addicks WorldCom
Ron Stutheit ESI Jason Lee WorldCom
Marcel Champagne Neustar Marian Hearn (phone) Canadian LNP Consortium
Gustavo Hannecke Neustar Rick Jones (phone) NENA
Dave Garner Qwest Colleen Collard (phone) Tekelec
Charles Ryburn SBC Richard Bell (phone) Verizon
Jim Alton SBC Jamie Sharpe (phone) XO

NANC 219: Vote on Removing Requirements from NANC 219 to reduce cost:

# Requirement OK to Delete Retain Rqmt Abstain

  1. Delete Historical Data Capability 171
  2. Delete Appeal Value from Report081
  3. Delete Calculation of Composite LSMS Availability171
  4. Less Flexible Industry Maintenance Window Calculation 001

Voting Detail

Requirement Number: # 1 # 2 # 3 #4

AT&T Retain Retain Retain Retain

Bell South Retain Retain Retain Retain

Canadian Consortium Delete Retain Delete Retain

Qwest Retain Retain Retain Retain

SBC Retain Retain Retain Retain

Sprint PCS Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain

Verizon Retain Retain Retain Retain

Videotron Retain Retain Retain Retain

World Com Retain Retain Retain Retain

All requirements were retained. LNPA discussed possible questions regarding interpretation of the industry maintenance window requirements. TSE will revise those requirements and LNPA will review the requirements at their January meeting.

Neustar Release 3.0 Status:

Readout from Rob Coffman: Neustar is testing point release 3.0.11 in their lab now. The 3.0.11 release will be available for industry testing 12/18/00. The final version point release is scheduled to be available for industry testing the week of January 15th. This will support performance testing on 1/22/01, and disaster recovery on 1/29. The general availability dates are:

NOTE: THESE DATES ARE NOT FIRM. (This proposal needs to go to the LLC.)

Discussion on a Suggestion to Withdraw PIM-5:

After reviewing PIM-5, Neustar is uncomfortable with the implications PIM-5 has on their role as a neutral third party and with the liability implications. SBC as the originator of the PIM will consider whether they should withdraw it, and report back to the LNPA in January. LNPA members are requested to discuss this PIM internally and be prepared to discuss its potential withdraw in January.

AI – Action Item: Discuss your companies’ position on PIM 5 internally and be prepared to discuss its potential withdrawal at the January LNPA meeting.

Next Meetings … January 9 – 11,

Sheraton Fiesta South, Padre Island, Texas - XO host

310 Padre Blvd, S. Padre Island, TX 78597, 956-761-6551

2001 meeting schedule:

LNPA WG: Host: NANC Meetings:

Feb 12 –15 Telcordia, San Diego, CA Feb 20 - 21

March 12 – 15 ESI, Denver March 29 – 21

April 9 – 12 Verizon, Dallas April 17 - 18

May 14 – 17 Bell South, Atlanta May 22 - 23

June 11 – 14 Sprint, Kansas City <tentative> June 19 - 20

July 9 – 12 Canadian Consortium, Ottawa

August 13 - 16 AT&T, Seattle

September 10 - 13 Verizon, Baltimore

October 8 – 11 SBC, San Francisco

November 12 - 15 Neustar, New Orleans

December 10 – 13 Qwest, Phoenix

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Last modified: December 28, 2000