LNPA Working Group Meeting, July 10-14

Host Bell Atlantic      125 High St.,      Boston, MA


Tuesday July 11, 1:00 – 5:00pm


Name Company Name Company
Beth Watkins AT&T Stephanie Swanson Sprint
H.L. Gowda AT&T Brian Egbert Sprint PCS
Chris Martin Bell Canada Colleen Collard Tekelec
Ron Steen BellSouth John Malyar Telcordia
Anne Cummins AT&T Wireless Anna Miller Bell South Cellular
Marian Hearn Canadian LNP Cons Jean Anthony TSE
Dennis Robbins* Electric Lightwave Dave Garner US West
Mike Panis ESI Tommy Thompson* US West
Ron Stutheit ESI Bob Angevine Verizon
Warren Potts* GST Telecom Richard Bell Verizon
Gene Perez Intermedia Gary Willett Verizon
Rick Jones* NENA Alice Shocket Verizon
Gene Johnston Neustar Sharon Bridge Verizon
Gustavo Hannecke Neustar Dave Marshal Verizon
Jamie Sharpe Nextlink Alex Blackmore WorldCom
Charles Ryburn SBC Steve Addicks WorldCom
Jim Alton SBC Molly Dorsey WorldCom

* - via conference bridge

1:00 – 2:00 Introductions/Agenda Review

Approve Minutes

Minutes were approved with the following modification:

Subcommittee Reports


The Wireless Team meeting was still ongoing, focusing on completing their wireless number portability report.


SH subcommittee clarified the reporting requirements for LSMS availability.


2:00 – 5:00 PIM (Fixed Start)

No new PIMs since last meeting.

PIM 1 - Reseller Flows

Discussion of OPI Reseller Process Flows: Several companies expressed exceptions to the reseller process flows contributed by OpWest. (Note: since the flows were turned over to LNPA, the OpWest and Ops East teams have merged to become National Number Portability Operations, NNPO.) The exceptions fall into the following categories:

Key: NNSP – New network service provider ONSP – Old network service provider

NRSP – New resale service provider ORSP – Old resale service provider

NLSP – New local service provider, can be either a facilities provider or a reseller

OLSP – Old local service provider, can be either a facilities provider or a reseller

  1. NNSP does not have control of the process necessary to meet their commitment to provide FOC to NRSP within 24 hrs. In the OBF flows, the ONSP is responsible for sending the FOC to the NRSP.
  2. The pre-order process between resellers is not defined.
  3. Loss alert is inappropriately assigned to the NNSP. (several SPs think this should be the responsibility of the NLSP.)
  4. The ORSP does not get a "completion notification" stating that the port has completed, so they know when to stop billing.

Verizon stated that they cannot approve the flows as they currently are structured. Verizon would rather retain the current process defined in the OBF flows than accept flows that make the NNSP responsible for the FOC to the NRSP. Specifically optional box 6 in flow I, and box 7 in flow K, are mandatory for Verizon. Using the NNPO flows Verizon will not be able to meet commitments to their resellers when they are the NNSP. After the NNSP receives an LSR from the NRSP, the NNSP must send the ONSP an LSR, wait for the ONSP to send FOC to NNSP, then NNSP forwards FOC to reseller. Verizon is required to send FOC to the new provider reseller within 24 hrs, and is measured on performance. Verizon has agreements with their regulatory commissions to meet this metric and is subject to penalties if they are not met.

Several SPs at LNPA prefer having the NNSP be responsible for coordinating the port, as in the NNPO flows. At least as many SPs at LNPA think the NRSP should be responsible for coordinating a port. (The current OBF flows have the NRSP coordinate the port.)

Operational Experience: Verizon’s current experience in the Northeast region is that the OBF process works now that they have educated resellers on the LNP process.

Jurisdiction: Consensus of the LNPA is that SP to SP communications are the responsibility of the OBF, not LNPA. LNPA is responsible for processes between SPs and NPAC

Path Forward: Consensus is that LNPA should forward the flows to OBF, but not imply that these flows are endorsed by LNPA. There is disagreement over what should be in the letter from LNPA describing our concerns with the flows. WorldCom favors limiting our comments to whether the porting process should be coordinated by the NNSP or the NRSP. The majority wants to include details of the four deficiencies. Service providers are to send their comments to Charles Ryburn who will draft a letter and send it out for comments. The LNPA will finalize the letter at the August meeting.

Wireless Impact: the Wireless Number Portability Committee will send Charles a letter explaining the impact of this issue on completion of processes for wireless/wireline integration. Charles will add the wireless/wireline integration impacts in the statement to OBF.

PIM 5 - Status Update

Gene Johnson – Neustar has worked on updated M&Ps but has not had time for them to be reviewed by their legal support. Neustar expects to share the M&P at the July 17th PE meeting.

PIM 6 - Status Update

Dennis Robbins, ELI process: ELI initiates unlock at FOC, and migrate at NPAC activation. The inability of some carriers to complete their unlocks on time is a serious concern for ELI because the NSP is legally responsible for the record’s accuracy, but is unable to update the record because it has not been unlocked. Dennis asked if other providers have considered the legal risk of being unable to update a record for a ported customer.

Dave Garner: The NENA document my representative sent me says the unlock should be sent within 24 hrs of "completion", but does not specify the meaning of completion. Our NENA rep’s understanding is that we did not agree to migrate based on NPAC activation. Dennis Robbins referred to a separate section of the NENA document that defines completion as the time that the dial tone is transferred from the OSP to the NSP.

Question for Rick Jones: What is the big concern from NENA for updating these records when the customer does not move, but only changes service provider? The PSAPs can obtain the SP information from the IVR.

Consensus: The LNPA Members Agree with the Goal of Migrating within 24 hrs. However, the LNPA members cannot agree to make this a national standard, because current systems and processes do not support completion within 24 hrs 100% of the time.

Path Forward: Three positions were advocated:

  1. Send the recommendation that unlocks and migrates must be completed within 24 hrs of NPAC activation to NANC and ask to have it made a NANC standard.
  2. Send the issue back to NENA. That’s where the expertise needed to solve this problem is located.
  3. Have NENA take the issue directly to NANC.
  4. Keep the issue at LNPA and:
    1. Identify metrics to gather so LNPA can analyze the problem.
    2. Have individual SP NENA representatives come to LNPA, or call in to discuss the problem

LNPA did not come to agreement on which path forward to adopt. This item will be on the agenda for the August meeting.

PIM 7 - Status Update

PIM 7 M&P will be presented at the next cross regional meeting.

Wednesday July 12, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

Release 5 Change Orders/Discussion and Prioritization

NANC 147 - Neustar will manage this as an internal issue and prepare a plan when it is required. The change request will remain on the open list.

NANC 310 – Request to Change NPAC time processing to Central Standard Time rather than GMT. WorldCom asked what was driving this change. Consensus was this is a human factors issue rather than a systems issue. WorldCom pointed out that this change may require additional LSMS and SOA development, and might better be handled by training personnel in how to work with GMT.

NANC 311 – Request for a function to allow users to query the status of all LSMSs and SOAs. The NPAC and LSMS levels of effort were both set to "medium".

NANC 312 – Different User Access Levels for LTI. The NPAC effort was set to "medium". The LSMS level of effort is "not applicable". This change order is backward compatible.

LNPA discussed some questions on the change orders documented under release 3.0. After discussion Jean Anthony will go back to John Nakamura’s notes and prepare more detailed explanations on the R 3.0 change orders. She will E-mail this to the LNPA distribution prior to the August meeting, and it will be added the August agenda. Most of the discussion was regarding NANC 172 and NANC 146.

Discussion on the deletion of NANC 299, Application Level Heartbeat. SBC asked if we have demonstrated that NANC 301, the TCP level heartbeat, has solved the problem. Most LNPA members believe that the TCP level heartbeat is working better than expected. It not only has eliminated the instances of phantom associations, but it is also keeping the links alive by maintaining traffic through firewalls. NANC 219, which is in release 4.0, will provide NPAC monitoring and reporting of link status. Bell Atlantic stated that they have had phantom associations since the implementation of NANC 301. Several members questioned how you could have phantom associations with a TCP heartbeat.

ESI reminded LNPA that this will be a major impact to the NPAC and may negatively affect NPAC performance.

Path Forward: NANC 299 will be taken out of cancel pending status and put back in accepted status, but is not scheduled for any release at this time. The LNPA will continue to monitor the phantom association issue and revive this if necessary.

Voting on Release 5.0 Change Orders

Ron Steen expressed concern about the change order voting algorithm. BellSouth has a change order they want "not to be in the release", which is different than "is a low priority for release". The LNPA decided they did not want to alter the ranking algorithm, but would be willing to discuss moving the change order in question to delete pending status. After brief discussion change order NANC 87 was moved to delete pending status.

Marian Hearn, Canadian Consortium, suggested that we should delay establishing the content of release 5.0 until after the Lochs have completed negotiations for release 4.0 and we find out what changes did not get included in the release. Marian also stated that the Consortium members do not feel the current content of release 5.0 justifies the cost of a release. She pointed out that a release has other costs besides the software development cost.

Gene Johnson stated that the LLCs have requested a 60-day extension of the release 4.0 negotiations. Neustar has agreed that they will honor the current price for the 4.0 SOW until 10/30/00. If good faith negotiations are started by October, Neustar will continue to honor the SOW. The LNPA agreed we will not close release 5.0 change order content and ranking until the LLCs complete the R 4.0 negotiations, however we will start working on the requirements for the highest priority change orders. Gene Johnson pointed out that considering the scope of the changes included in release 3.0, it is likely that the industry will want additional changes once they have implemented R 3.0.

PATH FORWARD: LNPA will prioritize the current R 5.0 change orders in July, but will hold off on finalizing the list until the LLCs complete the R 4.0 negotiations.

CLOSURE: LNPA voted on the priority of the R 5.0 changes. An electronic copy of the results will follow the paper copies distributed at the meeting.


NANC 313 part 1 – Request to change "–x" and "block record" bulk data download files from Central Time to UTC. Listing them in UTC will make them consistent with the other file types and records and prevent confusion. However changing them at this late date, close to the beginning of testing, may cause problems for developers who have completed work based on the Central Time format.

History: Before R 3.0 there were three bulk data download file types, all are in UTC. With R 3.0, two more file types were added for block data, but the current requirements call for Central Time in the new block files. NANC 313 will change the block data format to UTC for consistency.

This will be implemented as a document only change which will allow it to be implemented without charge. Developers need to note that this may affect their systems that use the bulk data download (BDD) file.

All of the vendors at LNPA agreed that changing the file format of the block bulk data download files to UTC is the preferred way to structure the files.

NANC 314 (formerly NANC 313 part 2) – The examples in the appendix of the FRS don’t currently match the format of the BDD files delivered by NPAC. TSE will expand on the description of 314 before the next meeting.


PROJECT PLAN: Marian, Canadian Consortium, asked for an update of the NPAC project plan. Specifically when will release 4.0 rollout. Currently release 4.0 GA is scheduled for September 30, 2001. Given the LLC’s request to extend the negotiations 60 days, the actual release date will slip.

At the August meeting NNeustar will provide an updated project plan showing the estimated impact of the LLC negotiations.

Wireless / Wireline Integration 3rd Report

The LNPA reviewed the report outline and added sections on:

Goal is to have a rough draft report by the August meeting. This will simply be a compilation of all the writing contributions. Charles will work on incorporating comments into a more polished report to review at the September LNPA meeting. The final report is due to NANC by the end of September.

Listings issue update – Jim Grasser took the issue to OBF. OBF asked Jim to rewrite the issue and bring it back.

Rick Jones discussed a potential problem that exists with one service provider’s 911 implementation. This implementation inserts temporary wireless 911 records in the wireline 911 database. During a period of mixed service, this could cause the wireless 911 record to be sent to the PSAP for a call originated from the wireline phone. Jim Alton will set up a conference call with the 911 subject matter expert (SME) who raised this issue, Rick Jones, and Brian Egbert. Brian will arrange for a wireless 911 SME to participate.

The 3rd option for shortening the porting interval was deleted because it does not use an FOC. Since the 3 options were proposed, the wireless companies have adopted a porting process that requires an FOC, so this is no longer an option.

Anna Miller, BSCC – One problem with porting customers from a reseller is that, at least in the wireless world, the ONSP does not have the information about the reseller’s customer needed to evaluate the order validity. BellSouth indicated they have the same problem with their wireline resellers.


Thursday July 13, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

Wireless/Wireline 3rd Report – Outline Review and Writing Assignments

See copy of outline for writing assignments.

Written contributions are due to Charles Ryburn by August 4th.

Number Pooling Issues/Action Items from June Meeting

Barry Bishop responded to many of Neustar’s June action items in writing. Barry’s responses were distributed by E-mail.

Gustavo: The Project Plan was updated and posted on web site.

Gustavo: A sample migration file will be available Monday 17th; The migration file for turn up testing will be available Monday July 31st.

Gustavo: In September Neustar will have M&P for the moratorium period.

Gustavo – NNeustar will keep copies of carrier’s user profiles during the conversion so if the conversion needs to be backed out NNeustar can restore them.

Conversion of PORT-ON-DEMAND numbers in the Atlantic Region to national pooling solution with NPAC 3.0. The current understanding is these numbers need to be converted to 1.4 pooling prior to the roll out of 3.0. This effectively means that this conversion needs to be completed by November 2000. The FCC has not ordered the conversion of these numbers. There has been some reluctance to move on this conversion because of the impact on the pooling administrator’s contract. LNPA believes it is the responsibility of the New York pooling committee to address this conversion.


Change Order NANC 219 (LSMS link availability reporting requirements). We need to add requirements from the Slowhorse minutes and Beth’s availability report to the change order. Gustavo/Jean will send out proposed change order amendments by noon Friday July 28th. This will be followed up with a conference call on Tuesday Aug 1st at 11:00 am EDT.

Project Plan:

Gene Johnson: Release 3.0: 85% of vendors have successfully completed ITP testing.

All carriers have scheduled turn up testing

Beth: How many sev 1 and sev 2 MRs have been found? Gene: none have been logged out of testing.

New Business (CLEC/ILEC Co-Chair Positions)

Steve Addicks was accepted as the replacement of Shelly North as the CLEC Co-Chair of LNPA.

Charles Ryburn was selected for a second term as ILEC co-chair

Brian Egbert will continue as Wireless Co-chair.

Review Key Points to NANC

Brian will give the wireless report to NANC.

Charles will report that the outline was reviewed and writing assignments given to members.

PIM Report – Charles will give an update on the PIMs.

Steve will give Slowhorse update.

Charles will report on the prioritization of R5.0 change orders and path forward with release.


Future Meetings … August 14 – 17, Baltimore, MD Bell Atlantic Host

August 14 – 17th - Bell Atlantic will host the meeting in the Baltimore Inner Harbor. All of the "Inner Harbor" hotels are in walking distance. The Hyatt is the closest.

Slowhorse will start Monday afternoon, LNPA will run until noon on Thursday. Wireless will start Monday morning.

September 11 – 14 – Neustar will host the meeting in Washington DC.

The meeting site will be the Washington Marriot – 22nd and "M" Street.

September meeting is currently scheduled for slowhorse to start Tuesday morning, Sept 12, and LNPA will end at noon on Thursday.

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Last modified: August 07, 2000