Minutes from WNPSC 08/14/00 – 8/15/00 Meeting


Anna Miller - Bellsouth Cellular
Brian Egbert - Sprint PCS
Mike Panis - Evolving Systems
Anne Cummins - AT&T Wireless
Richard Bell - GTE
Dunice Harrell - Bellsouth Cellular Corp
Jim Grasser – Ameritech Cellular
Maggie Lee - Illuminet
Gene Johnston – Neustar
David Heath - Neustar
Matthew Leary - Evolving Systems
Brenda Thompson – SBC
Rick Hausman - Nextel
Linda Godfrey - Verizon

1.) Introduction and agenda approval
2.) NPAC Notification List

Brian received a list from the FCC of wireless carriers. Neustar will send the NPAC Certification and Turn Up Testing notification request via their bi-monthly newsletter, in September and November of 2000.

3.) Business Day and Normal Business Hours

    The draft liaison letter was reviewed. It was agreed to find out what type of response and associated time frame should be requested from the LLCs.

    ACTION ITEM: Anne will check with Joanne Balen and Pamela Connell, LCC chairs, to determine the best way to proceed in requesting Saturday and extended daily business hours.

4.) Interconnection

There was discussion about the types of issues to consider in developing service level interconnection agreements for LNP with wireline service providers. Issues that need to be considered are:

5.) Integration Issues

There was discussion regarding integration issues which are still open and need addressing. These include:
Reseller to reseller for wireline to wireless (Should be addressed as part of PIM 01 at OBF)
Operator services (OBF issue)
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

There was discussion that current wireline SLA porting guidelines are written for CLECs and need to be amended to permit CMRS participation. It was thought that the NNPO would be the most appropriate industry forum to address this topic.

ACTION ITEM: Present this issue to the NNPO in November.

6.) Updates

Exhibit N

The WNPSC requested that the Exhibit N committee begin to calculate through put forecasts including wireless volumes on a quarterly basis. David Heath of Neustar agreed to do this.


The Test Plan SWG is targeting completion of the Intercarrier Test Plan by the end of August.

ACTION ITEM: Request that the co chair, Paul Gerth, give a presentation to the WNPSC in September; to the LNPAWG in October, and NNPO in November.


Per a liaison letter from TIA TR 45.2 chair, Cheryl Blum, TIA EIA 93B baseline text specifies that the ISUP JIP parameter be included in the IAM for all applicable call origination. T1P1.3 identified JIP as a possible work item.

ACTION ITEM: Anna Miller will follow up with the T1P1.3 Number Portability Ad Hod chair to support inclusion of the JIP parameter.

National Repository Line Level Database (NRLLD)

OBF will issue an RFI next week with responses due in November. A letter will be going out to CTIA and PCIA to participate. This database will contain an identifier for all Service Providers. This identification is an OCN. This would mean that resellers would need an OCN and that the NECA guidelines should be modified to permit assignment to non-facilities based service providers.

Wireless Operations Team

There was agreement that a wireless industry forum, similar to the NNPO, should be formed to address LNP deployment issues, including wireless intercarrier testing. ACTION ITEM: Look at scheduling the wireless operations team meeting concurrent with the NNPO. Target first meeting for January of 2001.

7.) WNPSC Status Report/Issues Matrix Update

The Issues matrix was reviewed and updated. All issues are closed or in monitor mode except for Item 1, Test Plan, and Item 10, Wireless Number Portability Report. There was discussion as to whether the WNPSC should sunset upon completion of these items. The majority view was that WNPSC should go into a "sleep mode" and only meet on an as needed basis.

8.) New Business

Since members of the WNPSC have been approached to participate at industry meetings, there was support to develop a Wireless Number Portability presentation for such conferences. The intent is to improve wireless industry awareness and knowledge of LNP requirements. The focus of the presentation would be the Wireless Number Portability Technical, Operational, and Implementation Requirements Phase II Report.

To improve industry awareness, a panel discussion for NACN and TISI would be useful to get information to smaller carriers and billing clearinghouses.

ACTION ITEM: At the September meeting, develop a presentation for industry conferences.

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