Wireless Testing Subcommittee Meeting

June 5-6, 2001


1010 N. Glebe Road suite 800

Arlington VA 22201



Mark Wood (Cingular)

Jennifer Chartraw (AT&T Wireless)



Telecorp PCS – Tiffany Belk


Meeting Agenda:


Day 1: June 5th – 1 PM – 5 PM


1 PM – 1:15 PM

Logistics, introductions and attendance


1:15 – 1:30 PM

Announce/define future meetings - times and locations


1:30 PM – 2:00 PM

Review of previous month’s minutes

(face-to-face and conf call)


2:00 – 2:30 PM

Update from WNPO meeting in Atlanta


2:45 – 3:30 PM

Update of action items from last meeting


3:30 PM – 5:00 PM

NPAC Timers

(Gustavo Hannecke – NPAC)



Day 2: June 6th – 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM


8:30 AM – 10:45 AM

·        Test plan/cases

·        Process for requesting/making changes to test plan

·        Review current test plan changes

- setup up subtest groups for these cases
Discuss and start planning test cases for SMS/GTT

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

·        Open forum for new items

·        Review action items from this meeting

- internal items and ones to take to WNPO

·        Draft agenda for next meeting

Due to 4th of July holiday, there will be NO face-to-face meeting for July.

We will have a conference call on July 5th instead. Please see the WTSC page of www.npac.com website for more details.



Next Meeting

 August 7-8 – Denver, CO (HOST – Qwest Wireless)



Meeting notes


·         AI add meeting information into email rather than send people to the website.

·         Comment from John – telecordia…  NPANXXX’s…  large percentage marked as open. 

Concern about the volume on the network.  Have to think of the wireless switches…  Volume will be 4X what it is today.

FCC gives the state commissions more power to do more, what Jim is leading up to is turning up the code in the NPAC.  Some carriers open codes in swtiches, start query’s.  Some do very little?


Provision ss7 network based on the LERG, will fail if you don’t do it in the LERG and NPAC. 


Advantage of opening the codes in the networks….  It goes nationwide, if you are going to be going in a smaller region.  Just open smaller code.


You need to open the first NPANXXX in the NPAC, 5 day delay


·         Wireline put a 5 day notification on the NPAC notification.  First port on first number, cannot be the same date…  needs to be 5 day’s out


·         Gustavo – will validate the requirements with NPAC – Not a requirement - NPC


NPANXXX’s being opened in the wrong region….  Change control request out there but not being validated yet.


Three parts – inter company testing – are you going to open codes?

Intra- Company


·         For every port you have your information open in…..  going to be querying against the block you opened. 


Do it manually if you are doing Inter Port.(inside company testing)


Suggesting INTER COMPANY do it internal


INTER CARRIER, NPA will need to be released….


60 days in advance








Wednesday 6/6/01



·         Over ride database, override based on subscription record. 


·         GTT – CNAM optional test. 


·         What WIRELINE test cases LDB class, all the features except SMS


·         Problems from NPAC:

·         SMM value populated in the SOA

·         SS7 routing problems.

·         Using literal, causes routing failures

·         If you are using a service bureau you need to provide infoarmation

·         What ever you enter into SOA populates the NPAC databases

·         If the translation is set to a final translation…  you can’t get anything else.


·         SOA default values for the DB…  different regions STP, needs to tie the


·         GTT – Global Title Translation

·         CNAM

·         LIDB

·         CLASS  - x N/A to wireless

·         ISVM

·         SMS


·         How does MWI get to the wireless phones?


·         Break out into a separate group. 


·         SOA, NPAC, LSMS



·         Reference doc Jim Grasser – Jean Anthony to post –


·         SCP not supported the NPDB not available until 3q 2002


·         Roam agreements that involve SMS, creates problems with port


·         WNPO looking to different vendors to come speak.  STP looking to talk about SMS. – Jim Grasser


·         Have a separate meeting in July to discuss the GTT cases – to bring technical people you can talk to it  - Separate ADHOC group Generic test for all SP’s


·         Originating,


·         ADHOC GTT sub-committee – Jerry, Mark chair, Ron, Gene, Jennifer, Stephen Sanchez

·         Mark to send broadcast email, notify meeting



·         Enter Revision MARKS when making changes to testing doc











EXCEL spreadsheet….  Optional or required, pass-fail-remarks – tracks where carriers are with testing


·         AI – VOLUME running what tests and how much – talk about at next meeting


·         Add verbiage to document stating that we are talking about resellers issue and make that distinction.



·         SET CUTOFF DATE per region for testing


·         JIM sent doc for Jean to post


·         Ron going to send matrix for wireline test team


·         ADHOC Test group going to standardize add test cases


·         Vendor contacts going to WNPO for escalation



·         Conference call agenda


·         Test plan review


·         Changes review


·         GTT test cases review

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Last modified: July 09, 2001