NANC 352

Recovery Enhancements – recovery of SPID (customer data)

Origination Date :04/12/2002



Business Need:

The NPAC SMS allows for the recovery of missed messages for network data, block data, and SV data.  However, the NPAC functionality based on current requirements does not allow recovery of customer information (SPIDs).  So, if customer information is downloaded, and the Service Provider misses it, it is not recoverable.

This new functionality would improve the recovery process by adding customer (i.e., header data) to the list of recoverable messages, so that subordinate network/block/SV data does not cause rejects or errors.

Final Resolution:

Interface and Functional Backwards Compatible:  YES

Implement a new optional recovery request that allows the Service Provider to recover customer information (SPIDs).  This new optional feature would send missed customer adds, modifies, or deletes to the Service Provider during the recovery process.

A Service Provider could implement this optional feature at any time, and would send this request during the recovery process similar to the requests sent for network, block, and SV data today.

The data representation would be something like, SPID, text, and download reason.

Nov ‘02 LNPAWG – Reviewed at meeting, move to accepted.  Start working on detailed requirements.

Implemented in FRS 3.3.0a, IIS 3.3.0a, GDMO 3.3.0 and ASN.1 3.3.0.

Related Release:

Implemented in FRS 3.3.0a, IIS 3.3.0a, GDMO 3.3.0 and ASN.1 3.3.0.

Status: Implemented