NANC 388

Un-do a “Cancel Pending” SV

Origination Date :09/17/2003



Business Need:

Currently there are no requirements in the NPAC that allow a Subscription Version (SV) to be manually changed from “Cancel Pending” status to “Pending” status.  Without any “un-do” functionality, both Service Providers (SPs) must wait for the Cancellation-Initial Concurrence Window and the Cancellation-Final Concurrence Window to expire (nine hours each), let the SV go to Conflict, and then resolve the Conflict or wait for the Conflict Restriction timer (six hours) to expire in order for it to return to “Pending” (when the Cancel Request was initiated by the Old SP).  Alternatively, both SPs could send in cancel requests to the NPAC, at which point the SV would immediately go to “Canceled”, then they could initiate the porting process again.

The current NPAC functionality for a concurred port (where both SPs have sent in Create Requests and the SV is in “Pending” status), then one of the two SPs has sent in a Cancel Request (SV is now in “Cancel Pending” status) is as follows:

  1. The New SP initiates the Cancel.  The Old SP concurs with the Cancellation-Initial or the Cancellation-Final Concurrence Requests.  The status will be changed to “Canceled” upon receipt of the cancel concurrence.  Both SPs would have to re-initiate the porting process for this TN.

The New SP initiates the Cancel.  The Old SP does not concur with the Cancellation-Initial or the Cancellation-Final Concurrence Requests, the status will be changed to “Canceled” at the expiration of the Final Concurrence expiration.  Both SPs would have to re-initiate the porting process for this TN.

Final Resolution:

The recommendation is for a change to the NPAC functionality, such that an SP that sent up a Cancel Request in error, could “un-do” the request by sending a “retract cancel request ” message to the NPAC.

This new message would allow the SV to change from a “Cancel Pending” status back to a “Pending” status.  The NPAC would verify that the SP sending the “retract cancel request ” message to the NPAC is the same SP that initiated the Cancel Request (otherwise return an error).

There would not be any restriction on when this new message could be sent (i.e., during the 18 hour window that the SV is in Cancel Pending).

No backwards-compatibility flags needed.  The change in status (from Cancel Pending back to Pending) can be handled with the existing Status Attribute Value Change.  However, SPs should verify with their SOA vendors that an SAVC that is updating a Cancel Pending SV to a Pending SV will not be rejected. 

In order to use this new functionality, an SP would need to implement a change in their SOA.

Implemented in FRS 3.3.0a, IIS 3.3.0a, GDMO 3.3.0 and ASN.1 3.3.0.

Related Release:

Implemented in FRS 3.3.0a, IIS 3.3.0a, GDMO 3.3.0 and ASN.1 3.3.0.

Status: Implemented