NANC 405

Doc Only Change Order: IIS

Origination Date :07/15/2005



The current documentation needs to be updated:

1.  Flow 5.5.5.  The ACTION is incorrectly identified.  This text will be corrected.

…SOA sends the M-ACTION subscriptionVersionOldSP- RemoveFromConflict…

2.  Part I of IIS, section 5.3.3, Error Handling.  The current documentation references the two original SP tunables for supporting detailed error codes.  The text needs to be updated to list all four SP tunables. 

3.  Part I of IIS, section Recovery Mode.  The current documentation needs to capture SP data,  New text in yellow.

Once an association is established in recovery mode by a Local SMS, the Local SMS should request service provider, subscription and network downloads and notifications that occurred during downtime.  Once an association is established in recovery mode by a SOA, the SOA should request service provider and network downloads and notifications that occurred during downtime.

Final Resolution:

Func Backwards Compatible:  YES

Correct the current documentation.

Implemented in IIS 3.3.1a.

Related Release:

Implemented in IIS 3.3.1a.

Status: Implemented