NANC 436

Optional Data – alternative End User Location and alternative Billing ID

Origination Date :08/22/2008



Business Need:

The End User Location Value, End User Location Type, and Billing ID fields in the NPAC's Subscription Version records are supported only for LSPP, and LISP SVs only.  These fields are not supported in pooled block records.

Carriers have used these “future use” fields for various purposes.  When the telephone numbers involved are in pooled blocks, the carrier must intra-SP port the numbers in order to create entries in any of the three fields.  This defeats the purpose of EDR, where up to a thousand pooled numbers can be represented as a single pooled block record in the industry's LNP databases. 

As a result of recent activity involving the population of these records for numbers that were in pooled blocks, many carriers' LNP databases are reaching their storage limits before planned storage capacity expansions are scheduled.  Thus a method to accommodate the population of the three unsupported fields for pooled numbers is urgently needed.

Because adding the three unsupported fields to the pooled block record requires many changes in the NPAC SMS and is an interface change affecting local systems as well, the addition of three more parameters in the Optional Data field is proposed.  This has no impact on local systems that do not wish to receive these parameters in NPAC downloads.  The parameters would parallel the specifications for the three existing fields and be named Alt-End User Location Value, Alt-End User Location Type, and Alt-Billing ID.

Final Resolution:

Func Backward Compatible:  Yes

Sep ’08 LNPAWG, discussion:

A review and discussion took place on the three fields, and the process and benefit of adding them to the OptionalData attribute in both the SV and Pooled Block records.  The change order was accepted, and will be slated to be implemented before the end of the year.

Oct ’08, SOW 69 was approved by the NAPM, and will be implemented during the Oct ’08 timeframe.

This change order adds new fields (Alt-End User Location Value, Alt-End User Location Type, and Alt-Billing ID) to the subscription version and number pool block objects. 

Implemented in FRS 3.3.4a 12/8/09

Implemented in IIS release 3.3.4a 12/9/09

Related Release:

Implemented in FRS 3.3.4a 12/8/09

Implemented in IIS release 3.3.4a 12/9/09

Status: Implemented