NANC 035

ContactPagerPin ASN.1 Modification

Origination Date :03/17/1997



In IIS 1.5 contactPagerPIN is a digit string without length.  It has been requested that this be bound to the length of 10 as specified in the FRS. 

Final Resolution:

Backwards Compatible:  YES


Detailed requirements have been developed.


This is an "OLD" Release 2.0 change order that has been moved into the "Accepted" category, awaiting prioritization.


Sep LNPA-WG (Chicago), the group decided to delete this open change order, but need to make documentation only change, stating that the length is not bound, but that the NPAC will truncate any digits greater than 10.  The contact information structure should be documented for this. 

Related Release:


Status: Implemented