NANC 044

Effective Release Date Validation

Origination Date :03/24/1997



The effective release date is on optional value that can be used in conjunction with a disconnect.  This is the date the NPAC removes the subscription from the LSMSs.  Without this date the NPAC doesn't do any data validation on the customer disconnect date but does an immediate broadcast to remove the subscription from the LSMSs.  If a subscription is erroneously entered without this date a customer would be removed from the LSMSs in error.  It has been decided that the NPAC will validate the effective release date to insure that it is greater than or equal to the disconnect date.  If the effective release date is not greater than or equal to the disconnect date then the disconnect request will be rejected with an invalid attribute for the effective release date.  If the effective release date is not specified it is assumed to be the date of the request.

Final Resolution:

Detailed requirements have been developed.

Sep LNPAWG (Chicago), no longer needed.  Move to Cancel-Pending.

Related Release:


Status: Closed