NANC 104

Edits at Bind

Origination Date :06/01/1997



It has been requested that chapter 5 of the IIS be updated to describe the details (edits) of a SOA or LSMS initiating a bind to the NPAC SMS. Specifically the edits of the PSAP and NSAP values against the serviceProv object.

Final Resolution:

IIS 1.3 and 2.1 will be updated.


Perot currently does not edit selector values.  There was some concern raised about the fact that they do not do this edit.  The service providers and Perot will follow up on this issue.


Perot will be compliant in Release 2.0.  This write up will be included in the 1.3 and 2.1 IIS releases.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented