NANC 128

R7-111.2 Requirement Interpretation

Origination Date :08/05/1997



There is a question about the behavior of the Perot NPAC in relation to requirement R7-111.2. There are two test cases involved. The first test case "52" is the invalidation of a key id in a list as per the requirement. The second test case "54" deals with invalidation of a list id. Perot has invalidated the test case "52" in favor of "54" which is believed to be not valid.

Final Resolution:

The originator due to discussions at the cross regional meeting has closed this change order. Test case 54 has been reworded to be a valid test case based on the FRS requirements.

There were no documentation changes for the IIS or FRS as a result of this change order.

Related Release:


Status: Closed