NANC 143

Subscription Version M-Delete to LSMS

Origination Date :08/27/1997



When a telephone number is being ported, the NPAC currently sends a request to the LSMS to create a new subscription version object.  The LSMS is expected to search in its database to see if any existing subscription version object has the same telephone number.  If such an object is found, the LSMS is expected to delete the existing object.  This requirement is not documented in the FRS or IIS.

Final Resolution:

The suggested solution is to have the IIS adhere to the TMN specification. The NPAC should issue an M-Delete message for an existing object before creating the new object. A variation would be for the NPAC to issue an M-Set instead of an M-Create or M-Action message.


If neither of the above solutions is possible, the deviation from the standard specification should be explicitly called out in the FRS or IIS.


A change order will be added to for a future release to add the M-DELETE.  The M-DELETE was not implemented due to some LSMS vendors/SPs wanting to manage their own history.


The wording to indicate deviation from standards will be put in the IIS.


This change order has been added to the NANC 1.6 documents.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented