NANC 146

SP Contact Data Handling

Origination Date :08/27/1997



Currently there is no way to delete or blank out Service Provider contact data in the profile.  The attributes do not have a NULL or absent setting.  The ASN.1 should be changed for the address information to be a choice of the address information or NULL.

Final Resolution:

Backwards Compatible:  YES


The Lockheed implementation requires that all attributes be sent at one time for modify, delete, or addition of contact data.  If a contact address is not specified it is assumed to be deleted and is removed from the NPAC database.


Perot would also require a change in the ASN.1 and requirements.  A work around could be to over-write the fields with spaces that would give the appearance of empty records, but if printed, the empty records (with blanks) would print.


The ASN.1 will be changed.


This is an "OLD" Release 2.0 change order, that has been moved into the "Accepted" category, awaiting prioritization


Sep LNPA-WG (Chicago), Telcordia agreed to delete this open change order, since they made changes to work around this issue.  The documentation should be updated to indicate that the current behavior is not within standards.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented