NANC 152

Audit Number of TNs Notification

Origination Date :09/04/1997



The IIS flows currently do not show the sending out of an attributeValueChange notification after an audit object creation for the numberOfTNs (to be audited).  The GDMO indicates that the notification will be sent.

Final Resolution:

This issue was raised in the Lockheed regions.  Lockheed does not currently emit the attribute value change notification for numberOfTns. However, the attribute can be queried. Perot implementation to be investigated.


The flow or the GDMO behavior must be changed.


The GDMO will be changed to remove the statement that the attribute value change notification will be sent for numberOfTns.


Perot and Lockheed concur.


This change order has been added to the NANC 1.6 documents.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented