NANC 173

Flow Modification

Origination Date :11/15/1997

Originator:Perot Team


A discrepancy between the FRS and the IIS. FRS 1.6 requirements R5-26 and R5-32 show that when modifying based on TN, the status must also be provided. In IIS 1.6 call flow note a fails to require status.

Final Resolution:

It is recommended that the wording in IIS be changed so that the IIS wording clearly states that the status is required on M_Action modify by TN.


Nortel agrees that this change is needed and will comply if the service provider complies and sends the status.  However, if the service provider fails to send the status along with the ported telephone number, Nortel may fail to reject the message.

The only situation where the Perot NPAC behavior would be an issue is on a modify. Only two states can be modified, pending and active.  If a request comes w/o a status it is assumed to be a modify for the active SV, if there is no active then a modify of the pending SV is assumed. In release 2 there is a change order, NANC 108 that will require that the SP’s provide the status for modify requests. This change order will be closed and will serve to document the current behavior prior to release 2.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented