NANC 175

Timestamp default when not set

Origination Date :11/15/1997



Lockheed uses a 'not specified' format 00000000000000.0Z to indicate a timestamp that has not been set, Perot uses 1/1/90 00:00. There is currently no reference in the IIS or FRS as to what the default should be.


This change order is related to NANC 240.

Final Resolution:

Backwards Compatible:  YES


Submitter requests that the value 00000000000000.0Z be used and documented in the IIS.


Rec. X.208:  1988, Specification of ASN.1 references ISO 8601 for the established date format.  ISO 8601 defines acceptable date formats.  However per ISO 8601, all zeros (0) for year, month, etc. are invalid values.  Therefore, by the definition of the ISO standard 00000000000000.0Z is an invalid date/time stamp.  The IBM stack will not allow the .0Z date/time stamp since they conform to the specifications.  To comply with the .0Z date/time stamp would require a IBM TMN stack change.


Lockheed initial feeling is that to conform to the 1/1/90 00:00 timestamp would not be a huge effort but would require database changes.


The NPAC vendors will not change in release 1 timeframe. Different solutions were discussed and it was decided that conditional packages for the timestamps should be added to the GDMO.


Sep LNPA-WG (Chicago), the group decided to delete this open change order, but need to make documentation only change, as to the .0Z default value.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented