NANC 181

Tag Value Addition to the ASN.1 for NANC 146

Origination Date :12/08/1997



It has been suggested that tag values be added to the ASN.1 for NANC 146 as follow:

AddressInformation ::= CHOICE {
ContactInfo [0] SEQUENCE {
line1 GraphicString40,
line2 GraphicString40,
city GraphicString20,
state GraphicString(SIZE(2)),
zip GraphicString(SIZE(9)),
province GraphicString(SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL,
country GraphicString20,
contactPhone PhoneNumber,
contact GraphicString40, contactFax PhoneNumber OPTIONAL,
contactPager PhoneNumber OPTIONAL,
ContactPagerPin DigitString(SIZE(1...10)) OPTIONAL,
contactE-mail GraphicString60 OPTIONAL
no-value [1] NULL

Final Resolution:

The group has accepted this change. Submission to the LLC’s has occurred.

This is an "OLD" Release 2.0 change order, that has been moved into the "Accepted" category, awaiting prioritization.

Sep LNPAWG (Chicago), no longer needed. Move to Cancel-Pending.

Related Release:


Status: Closed