

Effective August 1, 2017 the role of Change Management Administrator (CMA) of the Local Number Portability Administration Working Group (LNPAWG) for all US Regions was transferred to Telcordia Technologies, Inc., d/b/a iconectiv.

To contact the iconectiv CMA or to be added/removed from the LNPAWG distribution list please email cma@iconectiv.numberportability.com.

Please note that on or about September 30, 2017 the collection and history of industry documents will be transferred to https://numberportability.com/. Stay tuned for further updates at upcoming LNPAWG meetings and conference calls.


Problems and Issues Management

In late 1999, the LNPA WG established a "problem identification and management process" (PIM) for LNP issues.  The LNPA WG is not responsible for resolving all LNP problems.  The LNPA WG does an initial evaluation of each LNP problem submitted, then either develops a resolution for the issue or refers the issue to the appropriate forum for resolution.  The status of each LNP issue submitted is reported to the NANC on a regular basis.

The LNPA WG has developed issue submittal guidelines, an issue submittal form, process flows, and a tracking mechanism.  Issues should be submitted to the LNPA WG, using the issue submittal form, at least two weeks before the LNPA WG meeting at which LNP issue's discussion is desired.

  • PIM 42

    The wireless process for porting based on developing and sending a 'wireless port request' (WPR) does not collect and provide all the information that is needed to map to the wireline "local service request" (LSR). Fields that are required for wire line porting may have no relevance to wireless porting. Where the information is not available the ports fail. The LSOP committee intentionally made these fields 'optional' because of wireless number portability. Some individual ILEC business rules still require these fields.

    Download the document PIM 42

  • PIM 41

    Outside of NANC 323 - SPID Migrations, when carriers acquire or trade markets, unexpected fallout can occur for their LNP trading partners during the time the markets are being transitioned from one SPID to the other. This fallout can be difficult to resolve, customer expectations may be set incorrectly, and general porting confusion may occur if trading partners are not informed of the changes within a reasonable time period prior to the changes taking place.

    Download the document PIM 41

  • PIM 40

    "The intention of this PIM is to discuss minimum industry standards for LNP readiness that must be adhered to by all companies in order to port. "

    Download the document PIM 40

  • PIM 39

    Current wireline business practices allow carriers flexibility to set their own unique "business rules" or porting requirements and change them as often as needed. Some carriers will change their business rules as often as several times a month. These frequent changes to carrier unique requirements significantly increases porting cost, error and fall-out, and inhibits the automation of porting processes.

    Download the document PIM 39

  • PIM 38

    The current -x object (1k Pool Block) tunable of 5 business days between the Create and Activate is too long and acts as a constraint against service providers.

    Download the document PIM 38

  • PIM 37

    "The intention of this PIM is to discuss minimum industry standards for LNP readiness that must be adhered to by all companies in order to port. "

    Download the document PIM 37

  • PIM 36

    NPANXXs are sometimes opened in the wrong NPAC region.

    Download the document PIM 36

  • PIM 35

    Why are all service providers required to participate in certification testing if the vendors are already completing the same testing?

    Download the document PIM 35

  • PIM 34

    Wireless carriers are not receiving customer service records (CSRs) from all wire line network service providers when porting 'Type 1' numbers from other wireless service providers who are leasing the number. Wireless port requests do not contain the needed information to complete a wire line local service request (LSR). The CSR is required to complete the LSR and the port.

    Download the document PIM 34

  • PIM 33

    "We have to pay for a non-discretionary ""Active Like TN's in a NPA-NXX Report"" when taking over a code to verify blocks that are over 10% contaminated."

    Download the document PIM 33