NANC 341

Doc Only Change Order for GDMO: Section 7.0 LNP Subscription Version Modify Action – Clarification of allowable modify activities for subscription versions with status of ‘conflict’.

Origination Date :11/06/2001



Currently reads:

Old service providers can only modify the following attributes for pending or conflict subscription versions:




Change to read:

Old service providers can only modify the following attributes for pending or conflict subscription versions:




If the subscription version has a status of conflict, only the subscriptionOldSP-DueDate can be modified because a subscription version can only be put into conflict one time .

Final Resolution:

This change order is in conjunction with the NANC 332  FRS Doc Only change order which clarifies requirement RR5-42.1 Conflict Subscription Version – Old Service Provider Number Restriction.

Incorporate into next release of GDMO and IIS.

11/14/01 – Reviewed at November 2001 LNPA WG.  Service Providers to verify internally that this change order does not have an impact on their local systems. Leave in “open” status until December 2001 meeting.

12/12/01 – Move to ‘accepted’.

Implemented in IIS 3.2.0 and GDMO 3.2.0.

Related Release:

Implemented in IIS 3.2.0 and GDMO 3.2.0.

Status: Implemented