NANC 442


Origination Date :01/13/2010



Business Need:  Service Provider LSMS and downstream system capacity has been and remains a concern for high growth rates in the future.

Based on the current requirements for the NPAC, an active LRN owned by the New Service Provider must be provided on the Create message.  There have been some NPAC use cases that do not require an LRN to route voice calls:

• Population of TNs with altSPID reseller information, for the purposes of pre-port identification, routing SMS/MMS messages, and law enforcement/public safety.

• Preparation for network management activities that keep pace with LNP and Pooling updates.

The NPAC currently requires that all active TNs and Number Pooled Block (NPB) records contain an active LRN, and that all TNs be broadcast to all regional LSMSs.  LSMS systems and downstream network systems may not need to receive SVs and NPBs from the NPAC for traditional voice routing purposes, if the LRN is only being populated in order to publish other information (e.g., altSPID field).  If the LRN field were made optional (using a pseudo value) in the NPAC, users could create records without stipulating that downstream network elements be updated with new PSTN voice routing instructions.  Service providers could opt-in to receive pseudo-LRN SVs and NPBs (in total or based on SPID), allowing them to manage LSMS capacity constraints and control downstream system growth rates.

Refer to the attached document for more detailed information:

Final Resolution:

Func Backward Compatible:  Yes

This change order is being created to mitigate the impact of NPAC record growth on LSMSs and downstream systems caused by network management activities.  The NPAC will be updated to allow an SV/NPB to contain a pseudo-LRN value.  Pseudo-LRN SV/NPB data is not needed by LSMSs for traditional voice routing, these records will be broadcast only to an LSMS that supports the pseudo-LRN value and is configured to receive this data from the activating SPID.

Nov ’09 LNPAWG, discussion:

A presentation was provided as a starting point for discussion on addressing LSMS capacity issues.  A change order was requested to be brought into the Jan ’10 meeting.

Jan ’10 LNPAWG, discussion:

A presentation and a change order document were provided.  The change order was accepted. 

Mar ’10 LNPAWG, discussion:

The change order was approved by the LNPAWG, with a recommendation to be sent to the NAPM LLC to request an SOW from Neustar on this change order.

Implemented in FRS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Implemented in IIS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Implemented in software release

Related Release:

Implemented in FRS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Implemented in IIS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Implemented in software release

Status: Implemented