NANC 105

Download File Formats

Origination Date :05/31/1997



As with the key exchange file formats it has been requested that Lockheed Martin make available for publication the formats for the data download files so that both vendor implementations can be the same.

Final Resolution:

This information format will be added in NANC FRS 1.4 and FRS 2.3.
The scripts to generate the download files will be available in the last Perot software load before 10.1.


Perot has an issue with this due to the fact that they have already implemented this functionality.  The service providers have an issue with this because they want the vendor implementations to be the same.  Further discussion will occur.


Lockheed will provide the file formats to Perot for evaluation.  Perot will also provide their formats to Lockheed Martin.


The service providers have asked that the Lockheed implementation be adopted in the Perot regions.  Service Providers will go to the LLC and the LLC will discuss final resolution with Perot.  This change may cause a 1 to 2 week impact.  It has been requested that a decision be reached by July 17th .



Related Release:


Status: Implemented