NANC 142

Port to Original Flow Clarifications

Origination Date :08/18/1997



There is currently not a clear definition of the flow in the IIS for port to original.  What is defined in the IIS could never be implemented and work.  The issue to date is what notification on what subscription versions should be sent to the old and SOA systems. NPAC and SOA vendor implementations conflict.

Final Resolution:

Proposed flows for the IIS have been sent out to the group for review.


Perot and Lockheed are reviewing.  The notifications seem to be the biggest issue.  The exact processing order of events may also be an issue.  SOA vendors have also been asked to review the proposed flows.


Awaiting the assessment from SOA/NPAC vendors.


It was decided to use failed and partially failed like other porting requests instead of active and old like a disconnect.


It was decide that we DO WANT NOTIFICATIONS for SV1. For LSSP port we do emit notifications on the second port.

Notifications would occur off of SV1 for status change of SV1.


New version of flows for vendors to evaluate and revisit NANC 130.


New state transition would be needed to allow the transition of SV1 from old to sending during a re-send.


The majority of the vendors are awaiting the answer to NANC 130 before concurrence.  They would like to see similar behavior to other ports with the notification to the old SP.  If the notification is sent to the old SP in NANC 130 then this issue will be closed with notifications being sent off of SV1.


This change order has been closed with change order NANC 130.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented