NANC 190

NPA Split Requirement 33 Interpretation

Origination Date :01/19/1998



Requirement #33 - NPAC SMS shall start NPA Split Processing at 00:01 hours on the start date of permissive dialing.


Nortel interpreted this requirement to mean that processing started at the beginning of permissive started at 00:01 LCL time to set up the SVs for the start of permissive dialing and that it might run for some finite amount of time. The SP in a Nortel/Perot meeting did agree that the requirement should be changed to stipulate that any processing done to set up for permissive dialing should be completed so that a number dialed at 00:02 LCL time on the day of start of permissive dialing. Further they agreed that any audits run after 00:02 LLCL time on the start of permissive dialing should be able to be run to check that the LSMSs are in sync with the NPAC. 


It has been requested that requirement 33 be reworded to more clearly state the desired behavior as follows:


Requirement #33 – NPA Split - Start Time

The NPAC SMS shall complete any needed NPA split set up processing or activities by 00:01 CST time on the start date of permissive dialing.

Final Resolution:

This requirement and requirements 34 and 35 would be modified appropriately.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented