NANC 194

Retry Tunables without Requirements in FRS

Origination Date :01/29/1998

Originator:Lockheed Martin Team


IIS 1.7 section discusses the tunable number of retries at a tunable interval for retries for all failed SOA and LSMS messages sent from the NPAC SMS.  These tunable are in the FRS tunable table in the FRS as LSMS retry attempts and SOA retry attempts.  No requirements reference these tunables SOA and LSMS retry intervals.  There are activate, modify active, and disconnect retry tunables with corresponding requirements  (Ref R5-68.X, R5-60.X, and RR5-41.X) that are identified in the FRS tunable table.

Req 1 LSMS Retry Attempts – Tunable Parameter - NPAC SMS shall provide a Retry Attempts tunable parameter which defines the number of times a message to a Local SMS which has not acknowledged receipt of the message.


Req 2  LSMS Retry Interval – Tunable Parameter  - NPAC SMS shall provide a LSMS Retry Interval tunable parameter, which defines the delay between sending a message to a Local SMS that has not acknowledged receipt of the activation request.

Req 3 Subscription Activation Retry Attempts - Tunable Parameter Modification - NPAC SMS shall allow the NPAC SMS Administrator to modify LSMS Retry Attempts tunable parameter.


Req 4 Subscription Activation Retry Interval – Tunable Parameter Modification - NPAC SMS shall allow the NPAC SMS Administrator to modify the LSMS Retry Interval tunable parameter.


Req 5 Subscription Activation Retry Attempts – Tunable Parameter Default - NPAC SMS shall default the LSMS Retry Attempts tunable parameter to 3 times.


Req 6 Subscription Activation Retry Interval – Tunable Parameter Default - NPAC SMS shall default the LSMS Retry Interval tunable parameter to 2 minutes.

Req 7 Subscription Version Activation Failure Retry - NPAC SMS shall resend a message the LSMS Retry Attempts tunable parameter number of times to a Local SMS that has not acknowledged the receipt of the message once the LSMS Retry Interval tunable parameter expires.

Final Resolution:

It is suggested that specific requirements be created to explicitly define these tunables in the FRS. 


The LSMS requirements will be duplicated for the SOA retry attempts.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented