NANC 196

Activation Timestamp value sent to the LSMS

Origination Date :01/30/1998

Originator:Perot Team


An issue was raised about when the activation timestamp should be set before it is sent to the LSMS.  Conflicting references have been identified.

Final Resolution:

It was consensus of the group that the activation time stamp should be set before the subscription version is sent to the LSMS.  This timestamp is the time the activation request was received by the new service provider.  This is done so that all LSMS’ have the same timestamp in their database that matches the timestamp in the NPAC database. The following references in the IIS will be modified as follows:


The definition in the attribute table in section 4 for subscriptionActivationTimeStamp will have the first sentence reworded as follows: “This attribute is used to specify the date and time that the new service provider activation request was received by the NPAC SMS.”


Object 21 in the GDMO for subscriptionVersion will have the 4th paragraph from the bottom of the behavior modified to state :


“The subscriptionActivationTimeStamp is set by the NPANC SMS as the current date and time when the subscriptionVersion activation request is received from the new service provider”.

The behavior for the attribute definition for subscriptionActivationTimeStamp will be modified to state:  “This attribute is set by the NPAC SMS as the time and date that the subscription version activation request was received from the new service provider.”

Related Release:


Status: Implemented