NANC 197

IIS Clarification for Congestion Handling

Origination Date :02/13/1998

Originator:NANC T&O


It has been requested that the IIS document how congestion will be handled over the SOA and LSMS interfaces.  The Lockheed NPAC can accept a configurable number of messages (set to 100) per association before returning congestion.  Is there an expectation on the SOA and LSMS systems?  Exact references to standards will be identified and documented in the IIS.

Final Resolution:

A write up of the NPAC behavior and DSET product behavior has been circulated for review.


Information yet to be obtained from DSET. 


DSET has committed a resource to be available for the 4/24/1998 call so that this issue can be resolved.


From the discussion on the 4/24 call.  The following action items were created:


CMA to update IIS write-up.


DSET to update DSET information previously provided to T&O.


Lockheed to provide documentation specific to their implementation.


Closed on 5/13/1998

Related Release:


Status: Implemented