NANC 237

Duplicate PSAP and Key List for different NSAP

Origination Date :09/15/1998



Related to ILL 181-2.


The NPAC SMS Administrative GUI does not support a duplicate PSAP and Key List for different NSAP addresses.

Final Resolution:

Backwards Compatible:  YES


Oct LNPAWG (Kansas City), this is related to ILL-181.  However, ILL-181 was closed in Documents Version 1.9.  Currently, we have a work around for this problem, but the GUI does not allow multiple copies of the same PSAP, even with different NSAP addresses.


This is an issue for any SP on a distributed platform with duplicate PSAPs for different NSAPs.


Jim stated that this is related to ILL-181 because the NPAC now uses PSAP as a primary key along with the SPID (instead of just the SPID).  This change order should be implemented to close the loop on the work around, that is listed in ILL-181 Rev 2.


Leave on open list for now, since no urgency, and not sure who is going to pay for this.

Sep LNPA-WG (Chicago), the group decided to delete this open change order, but need to check if any documentation updates need to be first.  The CMA will look into this.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented