NANC 263

FRS Documentation Change

Origination Date :02/03/1999



Need document clarification on p. 2-7, section (cancel-pending notification).  This paragraph is confusing, since it implies that the New SP must send up the cancellation request AND NOT send up the concurrence for the cancellation request, in order for the SV to go into a cancel-pending state.  The confusion is that the SP requesting the cancel, does NOT have to concur. Cancel Pending Notification


The new Service Provider may also cancel the Subscription Version, effectively taking it out of the conflict state.  If the Subscription Version was previously in a cancel-pending state AND the Service Provider requesting the cancellation did NOT provide concurrence for that cancellation request, then that request will be accepted and the Subscription Version will be placed in cancel-pending.  Otherwise, the request will be rejected.




“The cancel-pending notification is used for Subscription Versions where both the Old and New Service Providers have sent their Create message to the NPAC SMS.  The status will be either pending or conflict.


If the Old Service Provider sends the Cancel message, the Subscription Version is set to cancel-pending.  A notification is sent to both Old and New Service Providers.

  1. If the New Service Provider sends a cancellation acknowledgment, the status is set to Canceled.
  2. If the New Service Provider does NOT send a cancellation acknowledgment, the NPAC SMS waits for both Cancellation Concurrence Windows to expire, at which time the status is set to Conflict.
  3. The Old Service Provider may optionally send the cancellation acknowledgment.

If the New Service Provider sends the Cancel message, the Subscription Version is set to cancel-pending.  A notification is sent to both Old and New Service Providers.

  1. If the Old Service Provider sends a cancellation acknowledgment, the status is set to Canceled.
  2. If the Old  Service Provider does NOT send a cancellation acknowledgment, the NPAC SMS waits for both Cancellation Concurrence Windows to expire, at which time the status is set to Cancel.
  3. The New Service Provider may optionally send the cancellation acknowledgment.”

Final Resolution:

Feb LNPAWG (San Ramon), group reviewed words, and decided the context of the section and words.


CMA to write up new text for Mar mtg.


John Malyar has agreed to look at the NANC ops flows to see if there is anything tied to the timers for the Service Provider that initiated the cancel.


Mar LNPAWG (Denver), group O.K. with this change order, with minor change for “conflict” to “cancel” in case of New SP sending cancel, and Old SP NOT sending concurrence.  Move to next doc category.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented