NANC 265

Documentation Change for Definition of Time

Origination Date :02/01/1999

Originator:LNPA WG


All documentation needs to be evaluated for “time definitions” as defined in NANC 264, so that going forward, a consistent view of “time” is shown in all documentation.

Final Resolution:

Backwards Compatible:  YES


Mar LNPAWG (Denver), group understands the need to have a consistent view of “time”.


CMA will go back through all documentation, and identify, evaluate, and modify, all things where time is ambiguous, and sync up anything where the NPAC is doing something based on time.  Once identified, these need to be brought back up to the group.


This will be put into the queue of CMA updates to the FRS/IIS/GDMO.  No date has been scheduled.


Oct LNPAWG (KC), reviewed separate write-up, and group accepted updates.  Move to next doc category.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented