NANC 282

GDMO Change for WSMSC backwards compatibility

Origination Date :04/30/1999



In their integration testing, they found a problem with the 2.0 GDMO model.  It was the intent of the release to have the WSMSC DPC/SSN data optional according to a flag set on the NPAC SMS.  However, the manner in which the GDMO file was written for these attributes, causes the data to be required for all M-CREATEs going to the LSMSs.  All other operations, including those from the SOA, were either written correctly or not impacted.


To summarize the problem, the NPAC SMS has requirements that state the LSMS can elect to support or not support the WSMSC DPC and SSN attributes in the subscription version object.  If the LSMS does not want to support these attributes, the NPAC SMS should not send these attributes to the LSMS on subscription version creates and modifies.


As the GDMO model is written currently, a single subscription version create to the LSMS will REQUIRE the attributes to be sent.  In order to correct the problem, a new GDMO needs to be released that instead of having these attributes required, they are optional.

Final Resolution:

May LNPAWG (Baltimore), discussed on “emergency” telecon on 5/3/99.  Information was distributed via e-mail to lnpa e-mail alias.  This was going to be placed in the test environment within the next two weeks (5/12/99) for SP testing.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented