NANC 286

Maximum Subscriber Query Name Change and Default Value Change

Origination Date :05/17/1999



The current FRS lists this tunable as “Maximum Subscriber Query”, with a default value of 50 records.


A request has been made to change the name to match the name used by the NPAC SMS (i.e., “Maximum Subscription Query”), and to update the default to match current values in production.


Also, the description incorrectly states “…maximum number of active subscription versions…”.  The “active” should be removed, as this includes all SVs.

Final Resolution:

June LNPAWG (San Ramon), discussed the three requested changes.  It was noted that the current values in production are on the Lockheed secure web site.  Therefore, AT&T is O.K. with removing the second requested change for the default value.  The other two requested changes will still be implemented.


This should be moved to the next documentation release section.

Related Release:


Status: Implemented