NANC 383

Separate SOA channel for notifications

Origination Date :05/06/2003

Originator:LNPA WG Archcture Planning Team


Business Need: (somewhat related to the existing ILL 5 and NANC 353 change orders).

This change order will separate out notifications with other messages, such that a separate channel will be established for SOA notifications versus all other SOA messages.  This performance related change order allows additional throughput on both channels.

Final Resolution:

Func Backwards Compatible:  YES

In order to separate out SOA notifications from all other SOA messages, additional processing logic will need to be developed.

Implemented in FRS 3.3.0a, GDMO 3.3.0 and ASN.1 3.3.0.

Related Release:

Implemented in FRS 3.3.0a, GDMO 3.3.0 and ASN.1 3.3.0.

Status: Implemented