NANC 386
Single Association for SOA/LSMS
Origination Date :07/24/2003
Business Need:
Currently, the FRS does NOT address the number of concurrent connections to the NPAC using the same CMIP association function and specific bit mask value. There are no requirements to either support or deny this functionality.
Because change order ILL-5 was proposed during the initial implementation of the NPAC, the NPAC partially supports multiple associations. This partial implementation can allow a situation where there are one or more non-functional CMIP associations between a SOA/LSMS and the NPAC. This situation causes an unnecessary consumption of NPAC resources (and possibly SOA/LSMS resources as well).
This change order will remedy this situation (close the hole) by only allowing a single CMIP association between a SOA/LSMS and the NPAC, for any given association function and specific bit mask value.
Aug ’03 LNPAWG, discussion:
This Change Order would only allow a single association for each SOA/LSMS. NPAC would abort the existing association if a new request came in to establish a second association. If implemented, and if we want ILL-5 down the road, we would have to back this functionality out. Tekelec supports this Change Order but would want it fully tested because it is a behavioral change. BellSouth stated they are concerned that this would preclude multiple associations as a means of addressing interface performance. There was agreement to work the requirements for this Change Order. If the next release package contains a need for multiple associations, then NANC 386 would not be implemented. If no need for multiple associations, we could possibly implement NANC 386 in the next package.
Final Resolution:
Func Backwards Compatible: YES
The association management function within the NPAC will be modified to allow a single CMIP association between a SOA/LSMS and the NPAC. In the proposed update, if a valid association is active, and a new association request is sent from a SOA/LSMS to the NPAC, the NPAC will abort the first association, and process the request for the second association.
Implemented in IIS 3.3.0a and ASN.1 3.3.0.
Related Release:
Implemented in IIS 3.3.0a and ASN.1 3.3.0.
Status: Implemented