NANC 397

Large Volume Port Transactions and SOA Throughput

Origination Date :07/28/2004

Originator:Verizon/SNET Diversified Group


Business Need:

Service Providers have voiced concerns about the volume of port transactions that the NPAC can process per second when mass changes need to be made and broadcasted to the industry especially now that wireless service providers are porting throughout the United States.  There are several factors which will attribute to even larger volumes of port transactions and mass change needs like:

  • Wireless porting throughout the US.  These providers are constantly updating their networks and as such, necessitate mass changes to ported records.
  • Processing through the SOA, at the current rate of 4 to 6 transactions per second, it could take more than 4 hours to make LRN changes to 100,000 subscribers
  • Current Mass Porting limitations by Service Provider and by region does not necessarily allow a Service Provider to make their changes when they are needed/ass they are needed.

 Mass Porting feature is a highly coordinated effort and requires many different parties to participate.

Final Resolution:

Functional Backward Compatible:  YES

New port volume guidelines are established as a result of NANC 397.

Refer to the attached document for more information:

Implemented in FRS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Related Release:

Implemented in FRS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Status: Implemented