NANC 408

SPID Migration Automation Change

Origination Date :10/25/2005



Business Need:

The currently NANC 323 SPID Migration procedure requires a fair amount of manual processing by both Service Providers and NPAC, beginning with the initial SPID migration request form, through performing the actual SPID migration during the maintenance window.  With the frequency of SPID Migrations (several times every month), this creates a personnel resource situation that could be helped through software automation.

Final Resolution:

Functional Backward Compatible:  YES

NANC 408 automates a variety of the manual NANC 323 SPID Migration features including (but not limited to):

  • Form processing
  • Notification management
  • SMURF file distribution 

Refer to the attached document for more information:

Implemented in FRS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Implemented in IIS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Related Release:

Implemented in FRS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Implemented in IIS 3.4.0a 3/19/10

Status: Implemented