

Effective August 1, 2017 the role of Change Management Administrator (CMA) of the Local Number Portability Administration Working Group (LNPAWG) for all US Regions was transferred to Telcordia Technologies, Inc., d/b/a iconectiv.

To contact the iconectiv CMA or to be added/removed from the LNPAWG distribution list please email cma@iconectiv.numberportability.com.

Please note that on or about September 30, 2017 the collection and history of industry documents will be transferred to https://numberportability.com/. Stay tuned for further updates at upcoming LNPAWG meetings and conference calls.


Problems and Issues Management

In late 1999, the LNPA WG established a "problem identification and management process" (PIM) for LNP issues.  The LNPA WG is not responsible for resolving all LNP problems.  The LNPA WG does an initial evaluation of each LNP problem submitted, then either develops a resolution for the issue or refers the issue to the appropriate forum for resolution.  The status of each LNP issue submitted is reported to the NANC on a regular basis.

The LNPA WG has developed issue submittal guidelines, an issue submittal form, process flows, and a tracking mechanism.  Issues should be submitted to the LNPA WG, using the issue submittal form, at least two weeks before the LNPA WG meeting at which LNP issue's discussion is desired.

  • PIM 10

    The lack of standards regarding the routing and charging of calls to ported numbers is causing the CLECs to assign an inordinate number of LRNs to each switch site.

    Download the document PIM 10

  • PIM 09

    LNP calls failing resulting in trouble tickets.

    Download the document PIM 09

  • PIM 08

    Telephone numbers get ported from a specific JIP with the incorrect LRN which route customer to wrong receiving office.

    Download the document PIM 08

  • PIM 06

    The process of updating 9-1-1 Address Location Identification (ALI) databases, due to Local Number Portability (LNP), should be done utilizing the unlock/migrate process found in the NENA LNP standards. For those customers who both port and move, a process of delete/migrate has been added to NENA LNP standards in March 2000.  Those 9-1-1 database providers not yet utilizing the delete/migrate process should be taking active steps to implement it.

    Download the document PIM 06

  • PIM 05

    There are certain instances where customer lines are ported in  error i.e. “Inadvertent Porting”.  There are several circumstances under which this may occur.

    Download the document PIM 05

  • PIM 02

    The Slow Horse Sub-committee is in the process of developing an availability requirement for service provider LSMS systems. It is the purpose of this document to define the service provider maintenance window.  This specifies when and for how long a service provider can be unavailable.

    Download the document PIM 02

  • PIM 01

    The PIM primarily addresses the issue of porting a number served by a reseller, a scenario not addressed by the original NANC process flows. The proposed flows address all wireline and wireless LNP processes, including those involving resellers, and the porting of wireless numbers resident in wireline switches (Type 1 numbers).

    Download the document PIM 01