Access the Canadian NPAC
The Canadian NPAC contains the proprietary data of competing communications service providers. Given the critical and sensitive nature of this data entrusted to the NPAC by competitors working together to make LNP work, access to the NPAC and usage of NPAC data is strictly defined and limited to specific, permitted uses.
Service providers and providers of telecommunications-related services are the only users permitted to access and/or use NPAC data for the exclusive purpose of routing, rating, or billing of calls, or for performing network maintenance in connection with the provision of telecommunications-related services.
Neustar is no longer the Local Number Portability Administrator for the United States. If you are a Law Enforcement or Public Safety agency in the U.S. and need access to look up telephone numbers, please contact the current administrator – iconectiv – at
If you are an entity that needs to register as a phone carrier or provider of telecommunications related services for the United States, please contact iconectiv at 844-820-8039. Thank you.
Service Providers and Providers of Telecommunications-Related Services
Access or use data for routing, rating, and billing, and to conduct network maintenance.