New User Registration

New users must apply and be authorized to access the NPAC System and NPAC data for routing, rating, billing and network maintenance purposes. Even users who obtain NPAC data from a third party, and not directly from the NPAC (Service Bureaus), must become authorized NPAC Users. There is no charge to become an NPAC User, but there are charges for most methods of access to the NPAC.

Canada Region: To become an NPAC User in the Canadian region, you must be a member of the Canadian LNP Consortium, Inc.  or an approved Third-Party Service Bureau. For membership and NPAC User approval information contact:

Chantale Neapole, Managing Director, at [email protected]

Rodger McNabb, Manager, at [email protected] or 613-2870226

Steps to Become an NPAC Authorized User:

  1. Complete the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
  2. Complete the NPAC User Application
  3. Complete the Canadian NPAC/SMS User Agreement

To get started, complete and submit the online NDA . You can view and print a PDF version, however, the electronic version must be submitted to Neustar for approval. Neustar will email you a User ID and password to enter the secure portion of the website where you will continue the NPAC User application process. A copy of your approved NDA will be available from the secure web site. Once approved, Neustar will provide the information needed to complete the registration process.

Step 1: Complete the Online Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

  • Complete and submit the online NDA . You can view and print a PDF version, however, the electronic version must be submitted to Neustar for approval.
  • Neustar will email you a User ID and password to enter the secure portion of the website where you will continue the NPAC User application process. A copy of your approved NDA will be available from the secure web site.

The remaining steps require access to the Customer Connectivity Services Tool .

Step 2: Complete the Regional New NPAC User Application

  • To complete the NPAC New User Application, log in to the website using the User ID and password provided when your NDA was accepted.
  • Click on the “New User Application” tab
  • Complete the Canadian version of the New NPAC User Application
  • Submit your application.
  • Neustar's Customer Connectivity Services Group will process your User Agreement(s) and email you an approval or rejection.

Review the Additional Requirements

Step 3: Complete the Regional NPAC/SMS User Agreement

A regional NPAC/SMS User Agreement is required for the Canadian Region for which you request data or NPAC access. The User Agreement will be available under your account after your application is approved. The completed User Agreement also must be accepted by Neustar before you can become an authorized NPAC User.

  • Log in to the website using the User ID and Password provided when we accepted your NDA.
  • Click on the “NPAC Regional User Agreement”
  • Complete and Submit the User Agreement(s). A User Agreement is required for each region in which you wish to become an NPAC User

Neustar's Customer Connectivity Services Group will process your User Agreement(s) and email you an approval or rejection.

Once your User Agreement has been processed, you will receive login information to the NPAC secure website. If you require access to the NPAC (and not merely authorization to receive NPAC data as a third party) your Service Provider ID (SPID) will need to be activated in the NPAC. A Customer Project Manager will work with you to walk you through the steps required to connect.

There are three methods to connect to the NPAC:

1. Mechanized Interface

Mechanized Interface Overview

2. Dedicated LTI Connection

Dedicated LTI Flow


LTI Process Overview