Complaint Process
Complaint Process
Complaint Process
How do I file a complaint
If you have any questions, concerns, or wish to issue a complaint you can contact NPAC staff by using the following methods:
Phone: (571) 434-5434
E-mail: [email protected]
Feedback Form : Please go to the top of the page and select Feedback
If I file a complaint about Neustar’s neutrality, about how long will it be before I receive a response?
The Neutrality Officer will answer any complaint in writing by providing a response within 30 calendar days from the time-stamped receipt of the complaint.
For more information on what the response will contain, refer to Section 300 of the Neustar Inc, Neutrality Requirements.
What do I do if I believe Neustar has violated its neutrality agreement?
Complaints must be submitted in writing and either hand delivered during normal business hours or mailed, by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to: Neutrality Officer Neustar, Inc. 46000 Center Oak Plaza Sterling, VA 20167.